This project I shot with my good friend Steve Laughlin, CEO of Raven Watches, who also happens to be a talented photographer and designer! Given more time, I would have spent more time storyboarding and scripting this video to reduce the length and tighten up the language. This was the second of two full takes. Thanks to executive assistant Anna Reynolds for coaching the subject on presence.

This video was part of a larger, multi-media, multi-channel campaign to support the school's major annual fundraiser.

This video I produced under the direction of new Head of School Rich Suttie using raw footage that was provided to me plus B-roll photos, most of which I took. The theme concept I developed in conjunction with Mr. Suttie. The purpose of the video is to highlight the "product" of the school — the very graduates it produced. How better to demonstrate that product than to let those students speak for themselves? Note that the speakers received no input from my office (mar-comm) or the administration of the school. The words are truly their own.

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